A Cihan University-Erbil Lecturer Published a Research Article with Frontiers
Lecturer Ahmed Salem Ahmed Mahal from the Department of Medical Biochemical Analysis at Cihan University-Erbil published a research article entitled “Emerging pneumonia-like illness “legionellosis” in Argentina in the COVID-19 era: Cause to panic?” in the Frontiers in Pharmacology.
About the author:
Name: Ahmed Salem Ahmed Mahal
Qualification: Ph.D.
Academic rank: Lecturer
Affiliation: Department Medical Biochemical Analysis, Cihan University-Erbil
TAP: https://sites.google.com/cihanuniversity.edu.iq/ahmed-mahal/home
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6977-3752
Journal Coverage:
Title:Frontiers in Pharmacology
Science Citation Index: https://mjl.clarivate.com:/search-results?issn=1663-9812&hide_exact_match_fl=true&utm_source=mjl&utm_medium=share-by-link&utm_campaign=search-results-share-this-journal
Science Citation Index Expanded
Clarivate Analytics (Wos: IF = 5.6)
Publisher: Elsevier GMBH
Country: Switzerland
About the Paper:
Title: Emerging pneumonia-like illness “legionellosis” in Argentina in the COVID-19 era: Cause to panic?
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3389/fphar.2022.1063237
A cluster of eleven cases (seven males and four females of 45 years median age) of legionellosis (severe pneumonia) including four deaths in the Tucuman province of Argentina were reported recently on 3 September 2022 (MPH, 2022a; MPH, 2022b). Legionellosis shows pneumonia-like symptoms, varying from mild febrile to serious illness and sometimes even being fatal. These cases were epidemiologically traced to a private healthcare facility. Out of all the cases, eight were healthcare workers of that facility itself, and three of the four deaths were of these workers. All cases presented similar clinical symptoms like fever, myalgia, bilateral pneumonia, abdominal pain and dyspnea (WHO, 2022). In four cases, Legionella sp. was medically identified as the causative organism. Ten cases including the four deaths had underlying comorbidity and severe disease risk (WHO, 2022). As on 3 September 2022, four cases were still hospitalised. Although contacts of these cases are under follow-up surveillance, preliminary investigations revealed no secondary cases, albeit sporadic legionellosis outbreaks earlier are documented in Argentina. Health authorities of the province are coordinating cluster investigation to search for source(s) of infection, identify additional active cases, contact tracing and public health measures to limit further spread.