Department of General Education Organized a Workshop for Students
On Wednesday November 24th, The Department of General Education organized a workshop for its students entitled “Technological Development and its Effects on Individuals and Cultural Values”. The workshop was held at the Conference Hall at Cihan University – Erbil, in the presence of Assistant Professor Dr. Mayson Al-Haydari, vice president of the university for scientific affairs, Dr. Ahmad Abd-Aun, head of the department of General Education, Assistant Lecturer Dashne Abdullah Saeed and Assistant Lecturer Abeer Mahmoud. It worth mentioning that the workshop was conducted under the supervision of both, Assistant Lecturer Saman Babker Watman and Assistant lecturer Shwana Qadir Perot with the participation of second year students Helmat Mustafa, Lana Ali, Alaa Zanoon and third year students Walid Anwar, Zahra Luqman and Hind Akber.
During the workshop the students discussed the development of cultural levels in our current society and the extent to which technology is developing and its negative and positive impacts on individual’s behavior. Later on, time was given to the attendees and they raised some questions and discussed the topic.
At the end of the workshop, Assistant Professor Dr. Mayson Al-Haydari, and Dr. Ahmad Abd-Aun, awarded certificates of participation to the participants and encourged them to continue such activities in the future.