Displaying Informative Posters on Nutrition by Students of Nutrition and Dietetics Department
Before the end of the 2nd semester of the academic year 2020-2021, and under the supervision of lecturers Mrs. Raghad Jomard and Mr. Yaseen Galali, second and third stage students of Nutrition and Dietetics Department made posters in simple and attractive way to increase the nutritional awareness .
Regarding all scientific researches which explain the harmful effects of table sugar on health and its role as risk factor for obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, the students designed a poster represents the a mount of invisible sugar in some common drink and food products which is highly consumed by Iraqi citizen like soft drinks, canned juices, energy drinks and soda, while other poster represents the invisible sugar contents in some chocolates, cakes and biscuits.
Such activities, preparing posters, motivate students to introduce composition of common products to local markets as well as it is a practical activity for being a nutritionist to create simple message of scientific information for ordinary people.