The ‘First Aid’ Course Was Held at Cihan University-Erbil
From May 5th to 9th, 2024, under the supervision of the presidency of Cihan University-Erbil, the Department of Community Health Nursing conducted the ‘First Aid’ Course for students and lecturers of Cihan University-Erbil, as well as those from Salahaddin University and Polytechnique University. The course was delivered by Assistant Lecturers Aram Mohammed and Shalaw Faris.
The course spanned five days, during which participants were introduced to a comprehensive range of first-aid techniques encompassing both theory and practice. These included principles of first aid, suturing, cannula insertion, blood sampling, random blood sugar measurement, and blood pressure measurement. The overarching aim of the course was to equip community members with life-saving skills. Additionally, participants received detailed guidance on managing various incidents, including car accidents, burns, shock, fractures, choking, and fainting.
At the end of the course, the participants were presented with certificates and expressed gratitude to the Department of Community Health Nursing at Cihan University-Erbil for offering such valuable training.