College of Arts and Letters
The College concerns qualifying the human resources in the fields of language, media, interior design, and translation. The college in collaboration with international universities plans to improve its programs. The college contains the best lecturers in the specialties concerned. The college aims at providing its students with the necessary knowledge and skills in the fields of study and connecting the theoretical study with the real life of work in the courts. Doing so, the college will meet the needs of the labor market. The teaching methods used are of high technical quality to achieve the vision and the mission of the college.

English Language
The Department of English was founded in 2008 due to the increasing demands of society to have more graduates in the field of English language especially after the fast developments.

The Department of Translation was founded in 2008 in Cihan University and one of the outstanding Departments, for it is the corner stone of the College of Arts and Letters.

It is an academic department in the College of Arts and Letters- University of Cihan. It aims to teach media and its various arts