International Conference of Cihan University-Erbil on Communication Engineering and Computer Science (CIC-COCOS 2022), The (CIC-COCOS) is an international referred conference dedicated to the advancement of the theory and practices in communication engineering and computer science. The conference promotes collaborative excellence between academicians and professionals from communication engineering and computer science. Over the past (CIC-COCOS) has developed strong network of leading searchers and pioneers in communication and computer science.
The aim of the conference is to facilitate and provide an opportunity to exchange of knowledge and to share views and experiences in the fields of communication engineering and computer science between academics, graduate and post-graduate students, doctoral candidates, researchers and industrial experts. Expert panel discussions and keynotes will address hot topics and issues in the field of communication engineering and computer science.
Important Dates
Paper submission deadline: March 5th, 2022
Paper Acceptance notification: March 15th, 2022
Conference date: March 30th-31st, 2022
Venue: The Campus of Cihan University-Erbil
The selected paper’s speaker will be provided flight and hotel accommodation. All submitted papers will be under peer review and accepted papers will be published in the conference proceeding with DOI and selected papers will be published in the Cihan University-Erbil Scientific Journal [doaj], Submissions are accepted in English only. Use the following link to submit your paper.
Main topics of conference
- Wireless Communication System
- Image processing
- Data Communication
- Neural Fuzzy Systems
- Secure Communications
- Robotic Control Systems
- Optical Communication Systems
- Social informatics
- Natural Language Processing, Machine learning,
- Artificial Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems and Hybrid Systems
- Computational Intelligence and Evolutionary Computation
- Data Communication, Computer Network and Security & Forensic
- Decision Support and Recommender Systems
- Data Mining, Knowledge Discovery, and Knowledge Management
- Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
- Information Retrieval, Natural Language Processing, and Ontology
- Software Engineering and Software Development
- Web Application, Web Service, Web Intelligence Applications & Search and Semantic Web Techniques and Technologies
- Robotics
- IoT
- Computer Science and Engineering, Hybrid intelligent systems
- E-commerce, E-medicine, Information Retrieval, Data Visualization
- Information Technology and Computer Education
Other topics related to CS and its Applications
Scientific committee
- Asst. Prof. Dr. Laith Razuki Falih Cihan University -Erbil,Iraq (Head of Committee)
- Assist. Prof. Dr. Musaria Karim Mahmood, Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University, Turkey (Member)
- Asst. Prof. Dr. Adbulrazak Abdulsalam, Cihan University -Erbil,Iraq. ( Member)
- Prof. Dr. Mohamed Uvaze Ahamed Ayoobkhan Westminster International, Uzbekistan(Member)
- Asst. prof. Dr. Reem Jaffar Ismail, Cihan University -Erbil,Iraq (Member)
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ramesh Zaidi Rozan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia (Member)
- Prof. Dr. Sudhir Kumar Sharmam Jaipur National University, India (Member)
- Assist. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Fadhil Yusof Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia (Member)
- Assist. Prof. Dr. Feras Eid Dheif-allah Ajloun National University, Jordan (Member)
- Assist. Prof. Dr. Roliana Binti Ibrahim Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia (Member)
- Assist. Prof. Dr.Laith Al-Jobouri Abertay University, UK (Member)
- Dr. Husham Jawad Ahmed,Cihan University -Erbil,Iraq. ( Member)
- Dr. Khalid Fadhil Jasim Cihan University -Erbil,Iraq. ( Member)
- Asst. Prof. Dr. Adbulrazak Abdulsalam, Cihan University -Erbil,Iraq. ( Member)
- Dr. Ahmed Nashwan AL-Dabagh Cihan University -Erbil,Iraq. ( Member)
- Dr.Hasan Fahmi Hasan Cihan University -Erbil,Iraq (Member)Contacts