
2nd International Conference on Administrative and Financial Sciences

This event has expired

We are pleased to invite you to participate in and contribute to the International Conference on Administrative and Financial Sciences on 27-28 June 2018 which will be held in Cihan University-Erbil, Kurdistan Region-Iraq.

The aim of the conference is to facilitate and provide an opportunity to exchange knowledge and to share views and experiences in the fields of administration and financial sciences between academics, graduate and post-graduate students, doctoral candidates, researchers and administration and finance experts. Keynote speakers will address hot topics and issues in the field of administration and finance.

It is an international peer reviewed and non-profit conference. It seeks high quality, original and non-published papers in (but not limited to) the following sessons and topics:

First session (Administrative) Administrative developments and their impact on institutional performance:

  • – Developments in human resource development and its strategic applications.
  • – Information technology and environmental sustainability.
  • -Agile IT management technology.
  • – Innovations in entrepreneurship and project management (small, medium and large).
  • -University management and leadership updates.
  • -Electronic administration and its advantages, functions and stages of implementation.
  • -Green Marketing Updates.
  • -Electronic marketing and competitive advantage.
  • -Design and promotion of educational curricula according to the needs of the labor markets.
  • -Economics of green technology.
  • -Institutions between the challenges of financial and environmental performance.

 Second session (Accounting) Development of Financial and Administration Performance under Information Technology:

  • -Modern Trends in Accounting.
  • – Accounting under the Information Technology.
  • -Conceptual framework for IAS.
  • -Limit of Modern Accounting Problems.
  • -Administrative and Financial Corruption.

 Third session (Banking and Financial) Information Technology and Organization performance between reality and ambitions:

  • -The impact of information Technology on the performance of financial markets .
  • – Information technology and international financial flows.
  • – Information technology and enhancing the financial coverage of the banking sector.
  • – Financial sustainability and its impact on sustainable economic growth.

 For more information and paper submission please visit our conference website |
Mobile : 00964 751 807 8677

Start Time

9:00 am

June 27, 2018

Finish Time

4:00 pm

June 28, 2018


Cihan University