A Published Research Paper
A Research Paper has been published on the International Journal of Emerging Engineering Research and Technology (IJEERT)
Researchers: Taha Basheer Taha & Mohammad Taha Sultan
With the rapid development of the Internet and multimedia systems, access to multimedia data becomes easier since the most commonly used multimedia files are digital images, the need to protect the content of these image and detect any simple alteration is very important issue.
In the same time the need to protect the copyright of these images becomes an important issue. Recently, digital watermarking techniques are utilized for copyright protection of digital images and for detecting alteration.
In this work, a wavelet-based digital watermarking algorithm has been proposed to detect any alteration in Images and to protect their copyrights. Semi Fragile watermark has been used to allow the users to freely compress the images without any issues in the same time any alteration in pixels values will be detected by using non-blind wavelet-based algorithms.
A Graphical User Interface (GUI) has been designed and implemented to allow easily and efficiently choosing the host image choosing and embedding the