A university in Kurdistan Region held the 2nd Scientific Teleconference on Administrative and Financial Sciences in cooperation with a top European universities
Under the auspices of Dr. Aram Mohammed Qadir, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, and with the presence of some considerable number of researchers from Kurdistan Region, Iraq, and some foreign countries, Cihan University-Erbil organized its second joint teleconference .
Considering all health and safety measures for avoiding Coronavirus transmission, the conference was held at Cihan University-Erbil on Wednesday, April 7th, 2021. Polish Consul-General in Erbil, Dominik Musial, was the guest of honor at the conference. The conference began by a one-minute silence by the academic community and researchers in recognition of the soul of Kurdistan Martyrs.
Later, President of Cihan University-Erbil, Prof. Dr. Amjad Saber Al-Dalawi, delivered a speech. In his speech, he welcomed the conference participants and talked about the importance of administrative and financial sciences in developing society. He emphasized that “administrative and financial sciences are among the major fields to run a government; accordingly, developed countries have taken considerable steps to break the administration routines, and achieved dramatic outcomes. The desired outcome undoubtedly is because of their practical movements following up scientific researches in the field of administration and finance.”
In another part of the conference, the president of Warsaw University of Life sciences, Prof. Dr. Michal Zasade, gave an online speech and talked about the importance of the joint conference to devote more attention to administrative and financial sciences.
After the opening ceremony, two seminars were presented by two keynote speakers from Poland, Prof. Dr. Jaroslaw Chormanski and Prof. Dr. Joanna Paliszkiewicz. In this conference, which lasted two days, 46 excellent papers were presented. 19 research papers from Universities of Kurdistan Region, 18 papers from other universities of Iraq, and 9 papers from universities of Britain, Poland, Malaysia, India, Turkey, Jordan, Egypt, and Qatar were presented.
Cihan University-Erbil as one of the prestigious private universities in Kurdistan Region played a leading role in reviving and improvement of Regional Planning, filling the community needs, and tackling administrative and financial problems in Kurdistan Region.
The conference was ended by a speech from Prof. Dr. Amjad Saber Al-Dalawi at the Conference Hall of Cihan University-Erbil on April 8th, 2021. In his closing speech, Dr. Amjad thanked all involved committee members for running the joint conference by Cihan University-Erbil and Warsaw University of Life sciences-Poland.
By acknowledging and awarding certificates to the participants, the third international scientific conference on Administrative and Financial Sciences was ended. It was decided to put forward the suggested recommendations to the concerned organizations to be followed and implemented.
Below are the words of Prof. Dr. Amjad Saber Al-Dalawi, the president of Cihan University-Erbil at the opening speech.
His Excellency Dr. Aram Mohammad Qadir Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
It is my pleasure to welcome all participants today to the 3rd International Joint Conference on Administrative and Financial Sciences that Cihan University-Erbil has the honor to organize with the University of Warsaw of Life Sciences –Poland on April 7-8, 2021.
Upon the blessing of Allah, I announce the launch of the works of this important conference. My colleagues and I in the Organizing Committee are pleased to see the remarkable turnout of participants in this conference, with a total of 77 scientific papers, all of which have been subject to solid scientific arbitration and double-blind peer review. As a result, 46 papers were accepted and 31 were rejected.
The number of scientific researches by researchers from within the Kurdistan Region constituted 19 researches, 18 researches from inside Iraq, in addition to 9 researches from outside Iraq, with the participation of 15 foreign researchers from international universities affiliated to the United Kingdom, Poland, Malaysia, India, Turkey, Jordan, Egypt and Qatar, while the number of the Keynote speakers are six.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Holding of this conference, just two days after a similar international conference of Architecture and Civil Engineering, reaffirms the leading role of Cihan University-Erbil in its international academic presence as well as in its solid partnerships with sound international universities such as the well-known Warsaw University of Life Sciences-Poland.
The scientific diversity in the map of the international scientific conferences held by our university indicates the firmness and clarity of the vision of Cihan University-Erbil, which is based on access to a concrete university education reinforced by update technology, which has become an indispensable key to unlock all the different scientific problems facing researchers in different parts of the world.
It is no secret, ladies and gentlemen, that addressing issues of management and financial sciences through an international conference in which the visions of researchers and scholars from different Western and Eastern backgrounds meet, enhances the seriousness and effectiveness of the results, recommendations and expected outputs of such demonstrations.
Finally, I wish you all dear respected participants the success and prosperity in your current and future endeavors. I hereby announce the launch of this conference, reiterating my appreciation and gratitude for all the good efforts that have contributed to this conference’s success, supplicating Almighty Allah to help us all for the good and welfare of our countries in specific and the world as a whole.
May Almighty Allah bestow his blessings upon you.
Professor Dr. Amjad Saber Al-Delawi
President of Cihan University-Erbil
Conference Chairman