Cihan University -Erbil holds a special ceremony for the outstanding students and graduates
On Thursday 22nd of February, Cihan University-Erbil organized a special ceremony dedicated to honor a group of academically distinguished students and the students who contributed to the process of social media support during students’ admission at Cihan University-Erbil. The event boasted the esteemed presence of the president of the university, Professor Dr. Amjad Saber Al-Dalawi, the vice president for administrative and student affairs Dr. Abdulsattar in addition to heads of scientific departments and the students.Top of Form
The ceremony was held in the conference hall at Cihan University-Erbil to honor the top graduates of the previous academic year along with the top three students from all the scientific departments. Moreover, the students who participated in the process of social media support during student admission were also honored.
At the beginning of the ceremony, Professor Dr. Amjad delivered a speech in which he expressed his pride in the distinguished students who were able to obtain first places at the level of their departments, He emphasized Cihan University-Erbil’s unwavering commitment to support students and provide them with academic opportunities to pursue higher studies.
Dr. Amjad also assured in his speech that Cihan University-Erbil’s achievements, such as attaining advanced positions in various international scientific classifications, were the result of collaborative efforts from all academic staff members. He emphasized the importance of continuing on this path to uphold these achievements and strive for further progress through the collective endeavors of the academic staff.
Subsequently, certificates of thanks and appreciation were presented to the top three students from each scientific department, followed by honoring students who contributed to the university’s social media support. As the ceremony drew to a close, photographs were taken with the president and heads of departments alongside the students.