Cihan University-Erbil holds ‘The fourth International Conference on Communication Engineering and Computer Science’
Under the supervision of Dr. Aram Muhammad Qadir, the minister of higher education and scientific research, with the presence of a significant number of foreign, local, and Iraqi researchers. Cihan University is conducting the fourth international conference on computer engineering and communication engineering.
The conference will begin on March 30, 2022, at Cihan University Conference Hall. Many research will be presented by researchers, lecturers, and experts at the level of universities in developed countries. At the same time, at the level of the Kurdistan Region and Iraq, many research essays related to communication engineering and computer science will be presented, which have been presented and evaluated by researchers and experts in the fields in the past, they’ve been scientifically open to them.
In addition to the conference opening ceremony and presenting the speech essay of the President of Jihan-Erbil University and the High Committee for Conference Preparation, the research was divided into several topics through various panels, followed by presentations by researchers. Professor and experts in the conference will discuss the content and consequences, as are expected in research on new developments and developments in the field of technology, particularly information technology they’ve come true.
At Cihan University-Erbil, the conference’s procedures are completed by the President of Cihan University Erbil, and everything is ready for the start days of the conference.