4th International Conference on Biological & Health Sciences (CIC-BIOHS’2022)
Cihan University-Erbil, March 28-29,2022
We cordially invite you to the 4th International Conference on Biological & Health Sciences (CIC-BIOHS’2022) Cihan University-Erbil that will take place at Cihan University-Erbil 28th-29th March, 2022.
The conference will include, but not limited to, all fields of Biological and Health Sciences. By attending this conference, you will have the opportunity to grow both career and science-wise by meeting researchers in different fields of Biological and Health Sciences from different countries.
The conference aims to bring together leading academic scientists and researchers, in addition to graduate and post-graduate students to exchange and share their knowledge, experiences and research results on all aspects of Biological and Health Sciences. It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of Biological and Health Sciences.
Your presence at our conference will be much appreciated.
Conference Tracks
- Biological and Medical Sciences
- Biomedical Sciences
- Medical Biochemistry
- Medicinal Chemistry
- Human Physiology
- Medical Entomology
- Genetics
- Pathology
- Microbiology and Biotechnology
- Cell & Molecular Biology
- Medical Microbiology
- Food & Industrial Microbiology
- Immunology
- Tumor Biology
- Nanotechnology in Medical Sciences
- Food, Nutrition and Public Health
- Food Science
- Human Nutrition
- Herbal & Alternative Medicine
- Functional Foods
- Nursing
- Public Health
- Epidemiology
- Physiotherapy, Rehabilitation and Sport Medicine
- Physiotherapy
- Rehabilitation
- Sport injuries
- Kinesiology
- Neuroscience
Important Dates
Paper submission deadline: February 28th, 2022
Paper Acceptance notification: March 15th, 2022
Conference date: March 28th-29th, 2022
Venue: The Campus of Cihan University-Erbil
Website: www.conferences.cihanuniversity.edu.iq
Email: BIOHS@cihanuniversity.edu.iq
Mobile phones:
- Biological and Medical Sciences: +964-750 172 3927, +964-750 154 9551
- Microbiology and Biotechnology: +964-750 154 9619
- Food, Nutrition and Public Health: +964-750 178 8177, +964-750 154 9655
- Physiotherapy, Rehabilitation and Sport Medicine: +964-750 154 9560
Note: No registration fees are required.