Under the Patronage of the President of Cihan university- Erbil
The Department of Nutrition
Is Organizing
An International Workshop on the Occasion of World Food Day
“Food Sustainability for Healthy Diets”
(Building Healthier Communities…..Together)
Time | Subjects | Presenters | |||
Sunday 18th October 2020, 08:00- 10:00pm | |||||
08:00-08:10 |
Welcoming Words | Prof. Dr. Amjad S. Al-Dalawi
(President of Cihan University- Erbil) |
08:10-08:20 | An Overview About the Department of Nutrition | Dr. Salih Mustafa Salih
(Head of the Nutrition Dept. Cihan University- Erbil) |
08:20-08:30 | An overview about the World Food Day | Yasee Mamand Omar
(Lecturer at Nutrition Dept. Cihan University- Erbil) |
08:30-08:50 | Using food as medicine to tackle the obesity epidemic | Dr. Isra Shah Muhammed
(Medical Doctor & Nutritionist Specialist at Nutri Centre, Sulaymanya) |
08:50-09:10 | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tahereh Mohammad Abadi
(Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, University of Khuzestan, Ahvaz, Iran) |
09:10-09:30 | Pesticide Residues in Food | Karzan Sabah
(PhD Student, National University of Ireland, Galway) |
09:30-10:00 |
Questions and Discussions
Time | Subjects | Presenters | |||
Monday 19th October 2020, 08:00- 10:00pm | |||||
08:00-08:20 | Food Poisoning | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Qais A.Nogain
(Lecturer at Nutrition Dept. Cihan University- Erbil) |
08:20-08:40 | The impotence of organic production to the Kurdistan Region, Iraq | Arshad A. Yaseen
(PhD Student, University of Debrecen, Hungary) |
08:40-09:00 | Organic diet for small children- education of mothers | Dr.Karolina Misztal
(Department of Functional and Organic Food, Warsaw University of Life Sciences- SGGW, Poland) |
09:00-09:15 | How to encourage people to use food products correctly and avoid wasting | Dr. Artur Gluchowski
(Faculty of Human Nutrition, Warsaw University of Life Sciences- SGGW, Poland) |
09:15-09:30 | Role of herbal medicine in boosting the immune system | Dr.Badr Qader Surchi
(Dept. of Biology, College of Science, Salahaddin University- Erbil) |
Questions and Discussions
Workshop Objectives:
A combination of unhealthy diets, sedentary lifestyles and the current situation with COVID-19 pandemic changed everything including what and how we eat as well how to access safe and nourish food. The objective of celebrating this year World Food Day (WFD) across the world including in Kurdistan Region, Iraq by Cihan University- Erbil is to promote public awareness and actions towards food sustainability and healthy diets available and affordable to all, with the slogan “Our Actions are Our Future”
The objectives of the workshop are:
1-Focusing on the production of food and agricultural products safely!
2-How to secure food production that would feed the community and tackle hunger!
3-Producing food safely with fewer chemicals and pesticides!
4- How to encourage people to use food products correctly and avoid wasting!
5- Address food-related health issues ( i .e obesity).
6- To raise public awareness regarding healthy diets.
7- To build networking between researchers/ participants.