Students of General Education Department visits Cihan School
On Thursday, November 4th, 2021, the Department of General Education, Cihan University-Erbil organized a scientific visit for its second-year students to the Cihan School, under the supervision of Dr. Ahmad Abd-Aoun, head of the department. School principal Mr. Nizar Razaq Qadir welcomed the head of the department and the students. In addition, Mr. Nizar gave explanations to students about the school and the classes. He also stated that the school offers multiple courses from kindergarten to high school.
Furthermore, the General Education students visited several classrooms of this leading educational institution. They received explanations about the curriculum, teaching language and teaching methods and listened to the clarifications of the teaching staff. Additionally, they visited the book fair on the grounds of the complex on a wide range of scientific books.
Finally, Dr. Ahmad Abd-Aoun, head of Department of Education, thanked the teaching staff for such an outstanding education level, and thanked the school’s principal, Nizar Razaq Qadir, for giving them the opportunity to be familiar with the School administration and teaching methods.
It is worth mentioning that such academic activities are the department plans to connect students to the labor market and familiarize them with new methods of teaching.