Students of Qala High School visited the Department of General Education and Biomedical Sciences
On 15 March 2022, the Department of Biomedical Sciences was honoured to receive the delegation consisting of teachers and students from Qalla High School, Erbil to Cihan University-Erbil. It was an educational visit aimed to introduce Cihan University-Erbil and the aforementioned department to the students and staff of Qalla High School, to share important information about the Biomedical Sciences field, as well as to enhance the students’ interest in this field.
Upon their arrival at 9.30 a.m., they were warmly welcomed by the Head of the Biomedical Sciences Department, Dr. Ali M. Hussein together with Assistant Lecturer Ms. Hevi Seerwan Ghafour and Lab Assistant Ms. Lava Sardar Khatab. This half-day visit began with introductions of the department and the Biomedical Sciences field by Ms. Hevi and Ms. Lava. This introductory session increased the students’ knowledge and enthusiasm, especially in this field which is one of the most in-demand careers.
The students, along with the teachers, later had direct access to the laboratories to familiarize the students with the laboratory equipment as well as different diagnostic tests related to the Biomedical Sciences field. These included step-by-step instructions supported with a clear demonstration of how the blood grouping test and blood sugar test were performed by Ms. Hevi and Ms. Lava. The in-depth information and practical knowledge presented to the students reflect the importance of this visit in giving a clear picture of what the Biomedical Sciences field is about in general prior to the students making decisions about the programme they wish to study in the future.
Exciting activities were also organized for the students such as; meeting the current students of the aforementioned department in addition to a campus tour that gave students the opportunity to build closer bonds with each other, experience new environments, and enjoy some time away from their classroom. The school teachers thanked Dr. Ali M. Hussein, also Ms. Hevi, and Ms. Lava for the warm welcome rendered to them as well as the students including the precious time spent and knowledge given during the visit.
On the other hand a group of female students of Qalay Kchan High School in Erbil province paid a scientific visit to the Department of General Education at the Cihan University-Erbil. The students was supervised by a number of teaching staff of the school and consisted of (41) students from the 12th grade. After arriving, they were received by Dr. Ahmed Abdel Aoun, head of the department, along with Assistant Lecturers Dashne Abdullah Saeed, Saman Babkr Watman and Shwana Qadir Perot.
During the visit, a seminar was conducted for the visiting students, which shed light on the teaching methods that are used at the department. In addition, the visiting students were provided with brochures to get information about the vision, objectives and mission of the Department of General Education.
At the end of the visit, the supervisors of the students thanked the head of the department and the teaching staff for the good reception and hospitality.
It is worth mentioning that the Department of General Education receives multiple delegations from secondary and high schools for the purpose of visiting and learning about the nature of studying at the department.