The Department of Media Organizes a Seminar for Students of the Department of Media
On Tuesday, November 16th, 2021, Media Department organized a workshop for students in Cihan Academy Hall on “The Importance of Language in Media Work” under the supervision of Dr. Goran Sabah Ghafour and Assistant Lecturer Omar Hassan Fahmy.
In the beginning, Dr. Goran Sabah explained for the students the importance of the media person acquiring more than one language, as well as presenting realistic examples of the importance of language in media work. Later, the Assistant Lecturer, Omar Hassan Fahmy, gave a lecture on the importance of dubbing in modern media work, in addition to presenting examples of dubbing, how it works, and the programs used in dubbing.
The workshop featured numerous academic and scientific participation and interventions by the students, where the students presented their views as well as reviewing their experiences of media work and the most important obstacles they faced due to the difference in language. The students also asked a set of questions and inquiries that were answered by the teachers, in addition to guiding students to the best ways to learn Any language.