The President of Cihan University – Erbil Opens an Art Exhibition for a student in Department of Media
On Tuesday 28/9/2021 and in the presence of Prof. Dr. Amjad Sabir Al-Dalawi and Dr. Abdul-Sattar Karim Saeed, the Vice President for Administrative and Students Affairs, and a number of teachers and students from scientific departments, Prof. Dr. Amjad Saber Al-Dalawi opened the art exhibition of the student Sura Sami Al-Khafaji in the second Stage of Media Department in the Art exhibition hall at Cihan University – Erbil.
The exhibition was prepared in cooperation with Mr. Burhan from the cultural center of Cihan University-Erbil. Sura Al-Khafaji’s artwork focused on traditional and popular topics, as well as embodying the character of Iraqi women in past and in present.
Professor Dr. Amjad Sabir Al-Dalawi expressed his admiration for her work and encouraged her to do more artistic work. During his meeting with a number of TV channels that participated in covering the exhibition’s activity, Dr. Amjad Sabir Al-Dalawi stressed the importance of these students’ activities and shed light on the significance of linking students’ activities to the labor market. Dr. Amjad also confirmed the university’s keenness to support these activities constantly.
It is worth noting that Sura Al-Khafaji began her artistic career in 2015 and organized her first personal art exhibition in Baghdad entitled “Speak, Shahrazad”, then her art exhibitions continued inside and outside Iraq and in several embassies and consulates including the American and Spanish embassy.