Workshop on “Educational Development”
Biology department had held a workshop for Teachers of Cihan University and Lecturers and teachers came from different universities and also students were invited. The Workshop entitled: “Educational Development”, presented by Dr. Hasanen Al-Tair in Cihan University, VIP Hall on Tuesday 24 April 2018 to Wednesday 25 April 2018.
Education nowadays is facing an ever increasing number of challenges, brought about to a great extent by technological advancement and globalisation phenomenon. The effectiveness of traditional classroom learning has been put to question with the proliferation of online learning, the increasing appeal of massive open online courses, and the advent of new learning tools and resources. In this workshop many questions were asked by students and also by teachers and then discussed.
The big point mentioned that the multifaceted forces operating all over have led educators and policy makers to undertake a serious review of university system, course curricula/content, pedagogies, and learning environment in order to attract students’ awareness for their subjects and lectures. Also highlighted that feedback of students should take into consideration not only for the learner’s assimilation of knowledge, skills, and attitudes but also how the learning process integrates and appropriates the requisite elements to achieve these goals.