The Department of Media presented its first online seminar
On Thursday 4/16/2020 the assistant lecturer Abeer Mahmoud Jabar presented a Seminar, entitled (Yellow Press and the New Media Environment) via electronic communication technology in the framework of commitment to ongoing health preventive measures in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.
The seminar was attended by of a head of The Department and its all staff in with a number of teaching staff from other scientific departments.
The online lecture concluded the concept, beginnings and emergence of this type of journalism. Mrs. Abeer in the seminar pointed to the nature of the new media environment represented by social networking sites and explained what are the ways to limit the development of this type of journalism on social networking sites and the participants shared their questions and scientific inputs to enrich the scientific seminar.
The event comes within the framework of the Department of media to present a group of scientific seminars in an online way according to the guidance of the presidency of Cihan University _ Erbil.