Cihan University – Erbil signs an agreement with the Syndicate of Engineers
In order to benefit from the experience of the Engineers Association and provide job opportunities for students soon, Cihan University – Erbil signs an agreement with the Engineers Syndicate in Kurdistan – Iraq.
During a meeting held by Prof. Dr. Amjad Saber Al-Delawi at Cihan University – Erbil, on Monday, February 2nd, 2021, with Mr. Salah El-Din Fakhr El-Din, head of the Kurdistan Engineers Association delegation. The deputy of the President of Cihan University – Erbil and members of the visiting delegation attended the meeting. During the meeting, they discussed how to develop relations between the university and the union.
At the beginning of the meeting, Prof. Dr. Amjad Al-Delawi welcomed the visiting delegation and talked about the importance and role of engineers in building infrastructure and their role in reconstruction in various fields. He indicated that there are three engineering departments at Cihan University; Architectural Engineering Department, Civil Engineering Department, and Communication and Computer Engineering Department. He emphasized the university’s desire to benefit from the practical and field experience of the Syndicate to develop the scientific, academic and field skills of students in the engineering departments of the university.
In another part of the meeting, Mr. Salah El-Din, the head of the delegation, after expressing his appreciation for the hospitality of Cihan University-Erbil, talked briefly about the Syndicate’s works and activities. He also mentioned the importance of the engineering departments at Cihan University and indicated that Syndicate supports the engineering students for implementing their projects or topics they work on it.
At the end of the meeting, the two parties agreed to sign an agreement soon, to define the method of dealing and cooperation between them. They also emphasized on working to connect the study programs into the labor market and provide job opportunities for students of engineering departments.