Department of Computer Science Organizes an Online Training Course
To develop the skills and capabilities of lecturers of different departments in using Moodle system, the department of computer science has organized an online training course under the title “Moodle and E-learning”. With the participation of most of the lecturers in different departments, the training course, which lasts for 6 days, started on Monday, 15/11/2021 online.
Lecturer Dr. Hasan Fahmi Hasan, participated in the organizing of the online training course. This online training course covers general concepts of how to use “Moodle” effectively.
Periodically, the department of computer science of Cihan University– Erbil, sets up and holds several training courses for all academic staff and employees related to different software and applications. It is done to develop their skills and abilities using modern scientific methods and achieve success in the field of higher education.
This course contributes to developing all the techniques related to the application of Moodle for the teaching staff. At the end of the course (21/11/2021) participants were able to use most of the trend applications that help their academic progress using Moodle.