Department of General Education visited Salahaddin University-Erbil
On Monday, February 28, 2022, the Department of General Education organized a scientific visit to the English department in Salahaddin University-Erbil, which included the third-year students from the aforementioned department, under the supervision of Assistant Lecturers Saman Babakr Watman and Dashne Abdulla Saeed.
During the visit, the delegates were warmly welcomed by The Head of the English department, Mr. Hawran Abdulla Saeed, and the Coordinator of the department Mr. Ihsan. The delegates were briefed by Mr. Hawran in the VIP Hall. In addition, they visited the English Department and The English Club, where they joined a debate entitled “Overcoming Shyness”.
Lastly, the visiting delegation thanked the head of the English department and the teaching staff for the welcome and time spent during the visit. The visit was meaningful to the delegates and also, they wished them success.