Developing and Designing Translation Curriculum Course
Department of Translation is holding `Development and Designing Translation Studies Curriculum Course `for the teaching Staff of Department of Translation from the 1st of May 2017 to 18 th of May 2017.Below are the details of each course:
Total Hours (24) hours-(8) hours per week
Location:127(Training Room)
Sunday,Monday and Wednesday
The first obstacle that threatens the success of a translation programme is an erroneous approach to curriculum development , that is ,course design and development .Curriculum development is a dichotomy of flair(or creativity)and systematic thinking .Taking into consideration all merits and weakness of existing curriculum lead s to rethink about shortcoming and deficiencies we experience through recent years of teaching in our department .To face these challenges assistant lecturer Fereydoon Rasouli from the Department of Translation offers a training course in development and designing Translation studies curriculum to make the necessary amendments and changes in the curriculum.