Presidency of the Cihan University – Erbil announces the date of the Second Trail Final Exams for academic year 2017-2018 will be on Tuesday 28/8/2018, the First Course will be at 9:00 am. While the Second Course will be at 1:00 pm.
College | First Course Timetable | Second Course Timetable |
Law & International Relations | Link– Google Drive | Link– Google Drive |
Science | Link – Google Drive | Link – Google Drive |
Engineering | Link – Google Drive | Link – Google Drive |
Arts & Letters | Link – Google Drive | Link – Google Drive |
Health Technology | Link – Google Drive | Link – Google Drive |
Admin & Financial Sciences | Link – Google Drive | Link – Google Drive |
Every student is required to read the following regulations and should follow them. Not knowing or denying knowledge any of these regulations is not an excuse in break them or be excused from punishments that may be decided upon for not following them.
1. These regulations apply to all examinations.
2. Examinations will be held in accordance with the published timetable which will be made available 3 weeks prior to midterm or final examination periods. Timetables will include the date, time and venue of each examination.
3. Examinations may be held Friday through to Thursday inclusive and practical exams could be scheduled for up to three sessions per day, including a late afternoon session, and subject to timetabling requirements.
4. Misreading the Examination Timetable will not be accepted as a satisfactory explanation for absence from an examination.
5. Students are required to Enter the examination hall and sit at a desk allocated for the examination question paper they are sitting in accordance with the seating plans posted outside the examination room. at 8:30 am. Once admitted to the hall examination conditions apply so no talking is permitted.
6. Food and drink are not permitted in the examination room with the exception of water which, if required, should be in a clear plastic bottle with no label.
7. Students should carry their University I.D . card during the examination. Not having this I.D. card could disqualify the student from attending the examination.
8. Mobile phones, smart watches or any other communication device should be handed in the designated area before sitting.
9. Talking or communicating in any other way with other students in the examination room before, during or after an examination is forbidden. Failure to observe this requirement will be treated as a disciplinary offence.
10. No lecture notes or books or any other relevant items to the examination are allowed in the examination hall.
11. Cheating in any examination by any means (such as writing on hands or any other body part. mobile phone, smart watches, talking to colleagues, blue tooth or any other communication device, any text relevant to the examination etc.) is considered a serious offence, leading to failing the whole academic year due to cheating or even expulsion from the University.
12. No person should dishonestly give help to a student before or during the examination and the invigilators are not permitted to answer any questions concerning the examination paper other than those concerning administration issues.
13. Students should answer on the designated examination answer booklet that carries the examination committee stamp.
14. All answers should be in ink pen (black or blue) No pencils or ball pens are allowed.
15. Prior to star! of the answering process, all required information on the front cover of the examination book should be filled in blue or black ink pen. Students should write their names in Kurdish or Arabic. similar to the civil ID, card.
16. Each student should be responsible for bringing his own examination requirements (calculator. ruler etc.) and no borrowing or swapping is allowed between student: for any reason.
17. Students are allowed to leave the examination hall half an hour after the start of the examination.
18. A student who leaves the examination hall must hand in all completed and attempted work, including the examination paper, making sure that their name is on the answer books (if more than one used).
19. Mobile phones and smartwatch are not allowed in exam hall.
20. No examination question paper, answer book or part of an answer book, whether used or not, may be removed from the examination room.
21. In the event of a fire alarm during an examination, students will be instructed by the invigilator to stop what they are doing, leave all materials on their desk and make their way to the nearest fire exit. Students must not communicate with each other and examination conditions will be maintained.