We are pleased to invite you to participate in and contribute to the International Conference on Literature and Arts on 27-28 June 2018 which will be held in Cihan University-Erbil, Kurdistan Region-Iraq.
The aim of the conference is to facilitate and provide an opportunity to exchange knowledge and to share views and experiences in the fields of Literature and Arts between academics, graduate and post-graduate students, doctoral candidates, researchers and administration and finance experts. Keynote speakers will address hot topics and issues in the field of administration and finance.
It is an international peer reviewed and non-profit conference. It seeks high quality, original and non-published papers in (but not limited to) the following sessons and topics:
First session (Media) New media strategy:
- – Media and electronic journalism.
- – Modern methods of advertising and its uses in media campaigns.
- – Modern technology and media and their impact on social media.
- – The media in the era of globalization.
- – Media and Public Relations.
Second session (Translation) Translation and the contemporary world:
- -Translation and modern technology
- -Translation and Culture.
- – Constructive approach to translation education.
- -Comparative studies based on translation.
Third session (English language) Modern Approach in Linguistics and Literature:
- -The relation between language, cognition, and literature.
- – Critical thinking and creative thinking in foreign language learning and teaching.
- – Modern versus classical techniques in drama and novel.
- – Linguistics levels and discourse analysis.
Fourth session (Interior Design) Innovative Trends in Interior Design:
- -Creative approaches in interior design.
- – Technological applications in smart buildings.
- -Sustainable interior spaces: between theory and practice.
- – Virtual interior spaces and parametric design.
Fifth session (Sports Education) Modern Trends of Sports Science in the Renaissance of Society (Challenges and Aspiration):
- -Physical Education and School Sports.
- – Sports Recreation.
- – Sports Management and Marketing.
- -Recent developments in Exercise Physiology.
- – Sport for people with Disabilities.
For more information and paper submission please visit our conference website
- info@cic.cihanuniversity.edu.iq
- cic@cihanuniversity.edu.iq
- cic.cihanuniversity.edu.iq
- mobile: 00964 751 807 8677