Cihan University – Erbil first ranked at the level of the Kurdistan Region and second ranked at the level of Iraq universities
The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research sent a gratitude and appreciation certificate to the presidency of Cihan University – Erbil for achieving the Top First on all universities in Kurdistan Region, while ranked The Second on Iraqi universities and ranked as (2944) at the level of international universities by collecting (8847) citation compared with other universities in the Region. According to the latest report of (webometric ) published in June 2018, it shows the degree of distinction between Cihan University- Erbil with the rest of the universities in the Region.
Cihan University -Erbil occupies the top in comparison with the rest of the universities. All of these achievements are results of efforts and activities of this University by the commitments with the instructions of the National University Ranking (NUR) by paying a great concern to high-level researchers (GS). Therefore, we at Cihan University – Erbil commit ourselves to comply with all the regulations and instructions of the National University Ranking (NUR) to upgrade the level of our university to reach the ranks of international universities.