Final Match of Badminton for the Teaching Staff of Cihan University-Erbil
On Sunday, 11th of April 2021, at 11:30 a.m., the final badminton match was held under the supervision of Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences. The match ended with Assistant Lecturer Soma Aziz from Department of Computer Sciences defeating Assistant Lecturer Dashne Saeed from the Department of General Education by two points for nothing.
The match took place in the inner hall of Cihan University, and it is worth mentioning that this tournament began on Wednesday, February 17, 2021, with the participation of fifteen teachers from all departments of the faculties of Cihan University.
At the end of the tournament, the awards were distributed to the competitors by Vice President for Administrative Affairs Assistant Professor Dr. Abdul Sattar Karim Saeed and in the presence of Assistant Professor Akram Abdul Wahid Mohammed Amin, Head of Physical Education and Sports Sciences. Dr. Ahmed Abd Aoun, Head of Public Education, and Lecturer Amanj Osman, Head of International Relations and Diplomacy attended the match as well.