Giving 2022 Iraqi Digital Innovation Award to Cihan University-Erbil President by Iraqi Digital Media Forum
Prof. Dr. Amjad Saber Al-Delawi, the president of Cihan University-Erbil, was presented with the 2022 Iraqi Digital Invention Award by Dr. Safad Hossam al-Shammari, the chairman of Iraqi Digital Forum.
In a meeting held on Sunday, September 25th,2022, in the presence of Dr. Maysoon al-Haideri, Vice President of the University for Scientific Affairs, and Dr. Abdul Satar Karim, Vice President of the University for Administrative and Students affairs, the chairman of Iraqi Digital Track Forum, Dr. Safad Hossam al-Shammari presented the 2022 Iraqi Digital Invention Award and a certificate to Prof. Dr. Amjad Saber Al-Delawi, the president of Cihan University-Erbil, in recognition of organizing and providing the right foundation for the Iraqi digital media.
The chairman of the Iraqi Digital Track Forum noted that Cihan University-Erbil is one of the leading private universities in the Kurdistan Region and Iraq, which has been able to become a good role model for adopting E-Learning and blended learning, particularly during the coronavirus pandemic.
Prof. Dr. Amjad Saber Al-Delawi stated that Cihan University-Erbil has made considerable progress in the field of digital technology, including establishing a digital center that encompasses all the data of the university, especially students’ affairs and teaching resource. Meanwhile, he added, it is attempted to electronize all documents, data and information related to the university. Dr Amjad also emphasized that Cihan University-Erbil is trying to keep up with technological advances and digital relations and for this purpose several international scientific conferences have been held.
During his speech, Prof. Dr. Amjad Saber Al-Delawi pointed out that the Scientific Journal and Humanities and Social Sciences Journal of Cihan University-Erbil come out electronically. Besides, all affairs related to the presidency, administration, and departments are managed and conducted digitally.
Later, Dr. Safad Al-Shammari stated that: “This award of our institution is the first of its kind in Iraq, which is presented in cooperation with the Board of Trustees of Commission of Media and Communication in Iraq as an annual tradition to those who plays a great role in achieving digital change in all fields, at governmental and private sectors. He also added that the first national forum was held in Baghdad in 2022, in which important figures who played a prominent role in enriching Iraq’s digital system were appreciated. At the end of his speech, Dr. Safad put forward a recommendation to Prof. Dr. Amjad to enter into an agreement between Cihan University-Erbil and the Iraqi Digital Media Forum in order to make Cihan University-Erbil a digital center to present the annual awards to the creators of meaningful digital content in the Kurdistan Region.
Considering the offered recommendation, Prof. Dr. Amjad Saber Al-Delawi supported it and declared that Cihan University-Erbil provides different governmental and private institutions in the community with many of its services, such as organizing educational and scientific courses for different ministries. To give an example, Dr Amjad mentioned the latest course running by the University on teaching methods for the teachers of Ministry of Education. He affirmed that the University continues to provide help for various institutions.