Learning Management System – Moodle
Asst. Lect. Hasan F. Hasan, Asst. Lect. Hunar M. Husain and Asst. Lect. Ali M. Husain has held a one days’ workshop which entitled “Learning Management System-Moodle as a Platform to Improve Student’s Teaching and Learning Performance”, on Wednesday – 9/5/2018- at VIP hall. The system has been developed and configured by Asst. lect. Hasan F. Hasan. The main concept behind the workshop, to illustrate that how Moodle System has been applied by Mr. Hasan, Mr. Hunar and Mr. Ali in Eight different courses. The significance of held workshop, show how Moodle platform improve student’s teaching and learning performance and how force to enhance student’s academic activities inside / outside classroom. All participants from head of departments and academic staffs were highly engaged and share their comments and suggestions regarding how they can get involve the system and apply. Furthermore, the system has been completed with assist of Mr. Sarhad H. Maolud, Mr. Blnd P. Omer and Mr. Rebin K. Muhammed.