Participation of the Software and Informatics Engineering Department Students in a Discussion Seminar
On 22 September 2022 (Thursday), the Department of Software and Informatics Engineering of Cihan University – Erbil organized a discussion seminar involving its students at the university library on information sources and processing.
The second-stage students of the aforementioned department participated in the presentation of the seminar, under the supervision of Networking Lecturer Ghassan Amanuel, where the students explained at the beginning of their discussion the ways to find and identify important books for their university studies, to display them electronically, and the process of differentiating between the primary and secondary books.
The importance of reading the main books for each scientific subject and how to find the important topics for each lecture and making reports for the scientific subject were also explained and defined during the seminar. This seminar was also held for students to write and find important topics for the university subjects and the ways to apply them in practice.
The students discussed that there is more than one scientific book for the same subject, and explained how to differentiate between the important and modern versions of books including describing their relations with the Department of Software Engineering and Informatics, and how to extract the required information from those sources.
At the conclusion part of the discussion, many students participated in their reports on the Computer Networks subject, which they wrote based on solid scientific books related to networks.