Practicing latest Techniques of Sensory Evaluation of Food at Nutrition and Dietetics Department
Due to the importance of Sensory Evaluation of Food for food manufacturers, researchers, and students, and the significance of applying the practical techniques on Food and Nutrition Unit, the fourth and third level students of Nutrition and Dietetics Department conducted different methods of sensory Evaluation of Food. They followed British Standards/ ISO on Food and Nutrition Unit at Cihan University- Erbil in November and December 2020.
In these practical sessions of Sensory Evaluation of Food, three different main techniques were used like Discriminative, Descriptive and Affective/ Consumer Tests. It was also followed by some subtests: Duo-Trio Test, Paired Comparison & Triangle Test, Hedonic 9 points scaling etc.
In these regard, different types of food were assessed using two slightly different types of Yogurt, Orange Juice and Muffin Cake and different types of coffee.
The purposes of these tests were to teach students in a practical way how the manufacturers bring new products improve the existing products or expand the range of their products to meet consumer demand. It was also aimed to increase the students’ proficiency and ability to enter the labor market after graduation.