Smart Home Automation Team Took 2nd Place @ NICE 17
- Categories Computer Science
- Date June 15, 2017
Two teams from Department of Computer Science participated National Innovation Contest in Engineering, NICE 2017.The Smart Home Automation took second place at National Innovation Contest in Engineering, NICE 2017 @ Ishak University.
Dr. Fuad Shreef the president of Cihan university – Erbil and Mohammed Bajalan, Head of Computer Science department congratulated the team and mentor Mr. Omer Talal for their hard work.
The Winner Team :
Halmat Najmeldin,
Fazil Muhmed Sarkawt,
Mahmood Jawdat,
Muhamed Mahrof,
Zheen Zakaria
The 2nd Team made online students committee which is the 2nd best project @ department level:
Zagroz Mohammed,
Abdulah Ali,
Hawbir Akram,
Saro Mohammed