Students of Bahrka Hight school for Girls Visit the Department of Media and the Department of International Relations and Diplomacy
A number of Bahrka Hight school students for girls, supervised by the schools assistant, representing the grades tenth, eleventh and twelfth visited the Department of Media and the Department of International Relations and Diplomatic at Cihan university- Erbil on Tuesday 23/11/2021.
The students were welcomed by the Head of the Media Department, and the Head of the International Relations and Diplomacy Department, the lecturer Amanj Ali Othman, and a number of lecturer from the Department of Media .
Then the Assistant Lecturer, Abeer Jabbar Mahmoud, toured the students inside the university campus and the scientific departments there, and they visited the university library and got acquainted with the process of depositing books and the decimal system for keeping books
At the end of the visit, the students thanked the professors for their kind reception and for the valuable information they obtained from this visit.