The Department of General Education Conducted a Visit to Cihan School
On Wednesday, September 20, 2023, the Department of General Education, supervised by Assistant Lecturer Dashne Abdulla Saeed and represented by a group of fourth-year students, made a scientific visit to Cihan School. The aim of this visit was to conduct classroom observations and enhance the student’s understanding of educational environments and pedagogical practices.
At the outset of the visit, Mr. Mahmood Emad Mohammed, the school’s principal, extended a hearty welcome to the supervisor and the fourth-year students. The students were then organized into multiple groups and visited various classrooms. Each group was assigned a set of specific classroom observation tasks, which included evaluating teaching methods, classroom atmosphere, classroom management, and students’ participation and interaction.
At the end of the visit, Assistant Lecturer Dashne Abdulla Saeed expressed her profound gratitude to Mr. Mahmood Emad Mohammed, recognizing his invaluable assistance, and extended his best wishes for the school’s future success.