The president of Cihan University-Erbil discusses with the general Council of the Republic of Poland their scientific collaborations
On Thursday, May 4, 2023, Professor Amjad Saber Dalo, president of Cihan University of Erbil, welcomed Dominic Musial, general counsel of the Republic of Poland in the Kurdistan Region, and discussed together how to further strengthen their scientific relations.
In a meeting attended by assistant presidents of Cihan University Erbil and some teachers and researchers at The University of Lodz in Poland, professor Dr. Amjad Saber Dalo first welcomed the guest delegation, and then a summary of Cihan University, the number of teachers and students, the number of scientific departments and university structure, and how it develops in terms of quantity and quality presented to the guest delegation while discussing the broad scientific relationship that Cihan University Erbil has with the university and the world’s scientific centers and institutions have.
In another part of his speech, the president of Cihan University talked about their scientific relations with Poland’s universities, saying: “We are happy to have a wide relationship with several Polish universities, and we have held several joint science conferences so far.” The latest was the fourth International Conference on Financial and Administrative Sciences with Loudoun University, in addition to having good relations with other universities, from exchanging students and researchers to facilitating the researchers of both. “We are looking forward to further developing our relations, and for this purpose, we will visit Poland in the coming days as the head of a delegation,” he said.
In return, Dominique Mushial, the General Council of the Republic of Poland in the Kurdistan Region, expressed his pleasure at the level of scientific relations between his country’s universities and Cihan University Erbil. As their country’s consulate in Kurdistan, they will make every facility to overcome obstacles and obstacles to further expand scientific relations and exchange science and to take advantage of each other’s experience.