Translation Students Experience the Virtual Reality (VR)
On Sunday December 19th , 2021, the sophomores of Translation Department, Cihan University_Erbil participated in a scientific activity at the Department of Computer Science for using Virtual Reality (VR) technology as an advanced educative tool. Mr. Muhammed Shukr, from Computer Science Department, and Mr. Imadin Maged Zannrni, from Translation Department, carried out this scientific activity.
VR is a high technology which can be used as an educative and entertaining tool for students. During the activity, students watched short films subtitled with English. Also, they listened to the English Comments and feedback about each film. At the end they discussed and summarized the films.
VR is a high technology tool for better understanding of translation, listening, speaking and subtitling natures. This kind of technology provides education and fun at the same time. It was a fruitful scientific activity and beneficial for students.