A Scientific Visit to the Asia Cell Company by the Department of Communications and Computer Engineering Students
On May 16, 2023 (Monday), third-year students of the Department of Communications and Computer Engineering visited the Asia Cell Communications Company under the supervision of Lecturer Ghassan A. Qasmarrogy. The students were received by the Director of Public Relations, Ms. Deccan, who explained the sections of the company, their importance, and how to develop a work plan that links the departments with each other. A visit was made to the Technology Departments and Data Centers, where the devices used in communications were explained, and the way they were connected to each other. The types of cables used in data centers and their characteristics were explained.
Then the students were received by Asia Cell Communications engineer Othman. The engineering work methods in data centers were explained including the most important courses required to work on these devices, and the most important international specifications required to work in the fourth and fifth-generation networks.