A Cihan University-Erbil Lecturer Published a Research Article with ScienceDirect
- Categories Research Activities
- Date March 5, 2024
A Cihan University-Erbil Lecturer Published a Research Article with ScienceDirect
A Cihan University-Erbil Lecturer Published a Research Article with ScienceDirect
Lecturer As’ad Alizadeh from the Department of Civil Engineering at Cihan University-Erbil published a research article entitled “Investigation of the effects of porosity and volume fraction on the atomic behavior of cancer cells and microvascular cells of 3DN5 and 5OTF macromolecular structures during hematogenous metastasis using the molecular dynamics method” in the Computers in Biology and Medicine.
About the author:
Name: As’ad Alizadeh
Qualification: Ph.D.
Academic rank: Lecturer
Affiliation: Department of Civil Engineering, Cihan University-Erbil
TAP: https://sites.google.com/cihanuniversity.edu.iq/asad-alizadeh/home
Google Scholar Account: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=1q9yFXkAAAAJ&hl=en
ORCID account: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4678-7470
Journal Coverage:
Title: Computers in Biology and Medicine
Science Citation Index: https://mjl.clarivate.com:/search-results?issn=0010-4825&hide_exact_match_fl=true&utm_source=mjl&utm_medium=share-by-link&utm_campaign=search-results-share-this-journal
Science Citation Index Expanded
Clarivate Analytics (Wos: IF = 7.7)
Publisher: sciencedirect
Country: United Kingdom
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compbiomed.2023.106832
Background and objective: The molecular dynamics (MD) simulation is a powerful tool for researching how cancer patients are treated. The efficiency of many factors may be predicted using this approach in great detail and with atomic accuracy.
Methods: The MD simulation method was used to investigate the impact of porosity and the number of cancer cells on the atomic behavior of cancer cells during the hematogenous spread. In order to examine the stability of simulated structures, temperature and potential energy (PE) values are used. To evaluate how cell structure has changed, physical parameters such as gyration radius, interaction force, and interaction energy are also used. Results: The findings demonstrate that the samples’ gyration radius, interaction energy, and interaction force rose
from 41.33 Å, − 551.38 kcal/mol, and − 207.10 kcal/mol Å to 49.49, − 535.94 kcal/mol, and − 190.05 kcal/mol Å, respectively, when the porosity grew from 0% to 5%. Also, the interaction energy and force in the samples fell from − 551.38 kcal/mol and − 207.10 kcal/mol to − 588.03 kcal/mol and − 237.81 kcal/mol Å, and the amount of gyration radius reduced from 41.33 to 37.14 Å as the number of cancer cells rose from 1 to 5 molecules. The strength and stability of the simulated samples will improve when the radius of gyration is decreased. Conclusions: Therefore, high accumulation of cancer cells will make them resistant to atomic collapse. It is ex-pected that the results of this simulation should be used to optimize cancer treatment processes further.