Book Publishing by Lecturer Dr.Qusay
A book entitled: “Quatitive Methods for financial and banking sciences” has been published by Lecurer Dr.Qusay Hamid Alsalami who works in Cihan university-Business Admin. Department the following text summarizes this book:
Due of the complexity of the most real world problems, it has been necessary for researchers and practitioners, when applying mathematical approaches, to reduce the complexity of these problems by either simplifying a problem or constraining it by making numerous assumptions. As a result, the solutions obtained from the modified model may differ significantly from an acceptable real practical solution to the original problem. To reduce the discrepancies between the solutions obtained from a quantitative approach and a realistic solution to the problem, one needs to apply appropriate quantitative modeling techniques and efficient solution approaches. As can be observed in most operation researchs, management sciences, and optimization books, that there is a tremendous amount of efforts has been applied to develop solution approaches over the past half century.
This book contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources. A wide variety of references are listed, and there are about (93) examples, (52) solved problems and (57) exercises.
The purpose of this book is to serve the postgraduate studies of Economics, Financial and Banking Sciences departments as it contains a detailed explanation and enhanced examples of a variety of unresolved questions as well as various exercises which is applicable departments of Economy and Financial and Banking sciences for third year students since it contributes in developing them in the field of quantitative methods and how to employ them in the treatment of many lingering in the economic and financial matters . Moreover, it helps students in the fourth year to use quantitative techniques in scientific research for the quantitative nature of special researches.
This book contains the following chapters:
Chapter 1 deals with the historical review of Quantitative Techniques, its importance and phases to solve the problems and helps decision making. Chapter 2 contains Decisions Making Theory phases, Components and Elements, while chapter 3 is an applied approach to Linear Programming Models.
Chapter 4 contains a full discussion of the basic feasible solution and the optimal solution for the Transportation Models.
Chapter 5 includes the methods that can be used to solve the Assignment Models and their special cases .
Chapter 6 discusses the main concepts of the Network Analysis.
With regard to Chapter 7,it has clarified the Forecasting Methods, its applications, importance and methods of time series used.
Chapter 8 shows how to use the basic system of Queuing Theory.