Cihan University- Erbil launches a New Charity Project
In the presence of Prof. Dr. Amjad Saber Al-Dalawi, President of Cihan University- Erbil, and Dr. Nawzad Yahya Bajker, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Cihan Universities, a meeting was held on Monday 25/4/2022 in the VIP hall with all faculty members at Cihan University – Erbil.
At the beginning of the meeting, Prof. Dr. Amjad Saber Al-Dalawi welcomed Dr. Nawzad Yahya Bajker, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, as well as all the teachers in the University.
In this regard, he praised a number of departments at Cihan University – Erbil, which provided several charitable projects to the community, such as holding free English language teaching courses and computer skills courses, as well as English language courses for students admitted to the first stage at Cihan University – Erbil, as well as a contribution Cihan University – Erbil in many blood donation campaigns and distributing aid to those who are in need.
Dr. Amjad Saber Al-Dalawi said: Based on the idea of investing in knowledge and available scientific capabilities, Dr. Nawzad Yahya Bajker developed the idea of establishing a charity program entitled “Zakat of Science and Knowledge”.
During the meeting, Dr. Nawzad Yahya Bajker said: It is necessary for every person to provide the knowledge that he possesses to the society and that there should be creativity and investment of all types and forms of modern technology in order to serve society. He stressed that charity work should be within organizational institutions and that the university should have a role in providing Scientific charitable work by providing science, knowledge and information to all members of society.
Also, Dr. Nawzad Yahya Bajker thanked all the faculty members at the university for their charitable work and various services to the community. Later, Dr. Nawzad Yahya Bajker explained the idea of this program, which is within the educational charitable foundation of Cihan University. This institution aims to spread the culture of volunteer working for education, education and community service, as well as helping individuals to develop their living standards. Moreover, professional, technical, and craft rehabilitation and creating opportunities for education, work, and participation in building a loving personality for charitable work.
In his speech, he referred to the mechanism and how this institution works, as voluntary groups are formed to perform charitable, moral, and cultural services, as well as collecting and distributing aid of all kinds, and developing individual charitable work for institutional charitable works using scientific methods and modern technology.
At the conclusion of the meeting, and in order to work on implementing the idea of this charitable program, it was decided that each teacher in each department at Cihan University-Erbil should have a charitable work team composed of a number of students. This team would be organized under the supervision of the teacher, and there should be a goal for the team and a specific work mechanism for the charitable project.