Competition on the Scholarships Offered by The ERASMUS PLUS Programme for Students and Academic Staff of Cihan University- Erbil
Erasmus Plus is the European Union programme (EuRopean Community Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students). It is a European Union (EU) student and staff exchange programme established in 1987 for education and training. The main goal of Erasmus plus is Capacity Building of Higher Education Institutions all over the world.
Cihan university-Erbil is the only Private University in Kurdistan and in Iraq which is fully registered at the European Commission and has the EU Participant Identification Code (PIC) number = 907654415, which allows applying for EU scholarships and academic projects and receiving grants with Program and partner countries universities and higher education organizations including Warsaw University of Life Sciences, SGGW, Poland, Ondokuz Mayis University at Samsun-Turkey and Mardin University-Turkey.
For the academic year 2021-2022, Cihan university-Erbil granted some seats for students to study one semester (three to five months) at Warsaw University of Life Sciences, SGGW, Poland and some seats for academic staff (one week) to teach students at SGGW, Poland.
Some academic staff and students from Cihan University- Erbil from the college of Health Technology, College of Science and College of Engineering already applied for the scholarships granted for Cihan University- Erbil and they are competing for the seats offered by Erasmus Plus and Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland. The final result will be announced soon after the evaluation of each applicant/ candidate based on some criteria set by the Erasmus Plus and Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland. The successful candidate from the academic staff and students suppose to visit Poland around early February 2022.