Media Department Students Visit Fallujah Satellite Channel in Erbil
On Monday, 22/11/2021, Media Department organized a scientific visit for the fourth stage students to the Fallujah satellite channel in Erbil, accompanied by Dr. Goran Sabah Ghafour.
Where the students were received by the director of television programs, Mr. Yasser, and the director of the montage department, Mr. Ammar, and the visit included a tour to the programs studio, the control room, the montage department, the photography department, and the (DTL) room.
The director, Mr. Yasser, who has extensive experience in the field of television directing, gave a practical explanation to the students on how to direct television programs, and spoke in detail about directing and production, as well as about the technical aspects by showing examples of programs.
In the montage department, Mr. Ammar, who is responsible for montage and the sound engineer, provided the students with practical information about montage work.
At the end of the visit, the students asked a set of questions to the director, producer and sound engineer, and they answered the questions in a practical way in front of the students.
This visit is an important part for the students of the media department, as it contributes to consolidating the information that the students receive in theory and bringing them closer to the field work environment.