NITA | National Information Technology Association
Cihan University with six Educational/Governmental & Private Organizations have established the National Information Technology Association (NITA) which mainly serves as a platform that enables sustainable impact on ICT in Iraq. NITA is launching several projects which mainly serve its objectives, among which are:
- Increased computer literacy among Government, Private Sector and Educational Sector employees
- Increased utilization of Kurdish IT talent
- Certified project managers in POs and GOs
- Distinct brand identity for the IT Cluster
- Kurdish language interface supported end users applications
- Increased availability of Kurdish digital content
- Participation of local IT companies in government funded IT projects
- Increased IT innovation and entrepreneurship in the region
- IT-enabled education in schools and universities
- IT curricula aligned to market requirements
- Promotion and measurement of internet and PC penetration in the region IT-enabling legislation
This is an incredibly exciting and important step being made by NITA Assembly members to help ensure modern high end information technology foundations in the region.
The key strengths of NITA are quality and choice, with a diverse range of outstanding members that are transforming expertness to projects. NITA will be able to capture that guaranteed quality whilst expanding choice even further, providing a common platform and high quality information technologies solutions that is accessible to Governmental, Educational and private sectors in Middle-east.
Clearly technology is going to create radical shifts in the Iraqi living experience in most, if not all. NITA is taking the lead in developing new and enterprising ways of university-level teaching, researching, implementing ideas/solutions that are engaged with different aspects of life. We are proud to support NITA as they embark on this new endeavour and look forward to Iraqi & Kurdish Organizations full engagement in this alliance as it develops.
For more information please Visit NITA