Physiotherapy Students Visited the Physiotherapy Department at Erbil Teaching Hospital
On October 7th, 2023, Tuesday, second-year Physiotherapy Department students of Cihan University-Erbil went on a scientific visit to Erbil Teaching Hospital under the supervision of Mr. Ismael Muhsen Muhammed.
The students were welcomed by the Head of the Physiotherapy Department, Mr. Majid Jawhar Yaba. The head of the Departments of Physiotherapy and Rheumatology accompanied the lecturer and students to visit their department after he briefly introduced the students to the department, and then practically provided the necessary information about how to see and treat patients. In this context, he said that workers in such departments, which is an important part of the work, must learn to obtain data from the patient and then provide physiotherapy. The students later asked the department head some questions and comments about the Department of Physiotherapy, rheumatic diseases, and types of treatments. The students were provided with the required answers.
In the end, on behalf of the Physiotherapy Department, he thanked supervisor Mr. Majid Jawhar Yaba for providing information and answering the students’ comments and questions.