The Department of Nutrition and Dietetics Organized a Scientific Visit to Sardam Private Hospital, Erbil
On 5 March 2022, the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Cihan University-Erbil organized a visit to Sardam Private Hospital involving fourth-stage students under the supervision of Dr. Behnaz Shahrokhisahneh, main lecturer in Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition subject, MD, Board of Orthopedic Surgery Dr. Farhad M M Atrushi, and Orthopedic Surgeon, Hospital Manager. Dr. Faizulla Jalal Khoshnaw. The objectives of the visit were to get the students familiar with the latest application of Enteral Nutrition in tube feeding knowledge. Upon arriving at Sardam Private Hospital, Dr. Behnaz Shahrokhisahneh, Dr. Farhad M M Atrushi, Dr. Faizulla Jalal Khoshnaw, and the students were warmly welcomed by Mr. Sarkar Ehsan Abdullah, an Intensive Care Unit Nurse.
During the visit, Mr. Sarkar Ehsan Abdullah provided an in-depth explanation about different feeding tubes for individuals of different ages, sizes, and trained them about the administration of tube feeding via a nasogastric, orogastric, and gastrostomy tube safely. The students were also exposed to various information related to tube feeding methods passed into the stomach, jejunum, and duodenum. The students were also briefed about the appropriate method of oral feeding and gastrointestinal (GI).
The visit was also valuable, as it provided an in-depth explanation about various information related to blenderized formula of tube feeding, selection of suitable ready formula with proper calorie, and macro-micronutrient requirements. The students were also briefed in-depth about parenteral feeding and practicing enteral as it allowed the students to experience theoretical studies, practical studies, and experience working in a hospital after graduation.
At the end of the visit, Dr. Behnaz Shahrokhisahneh, Dr. Farhad M M Atrushi, and Dr. Faizulla Jalal Khoshnaw thanked Mr. Sarkar Ehsan Abdullah for his support and initiatives presented to the fourth-year students.