Cihan University -Erbil is a reflection of the expansion of the Kurdistan Region’s higher education market.
As a private institution in the Kurdistan Region, Cihan University -Erbil has expanded significantly across all domains and has made numerous significant scientific advancements.
An article titled “Changing University Education in Kurdistan, Iraq: Overcoming Challenges and Embracing Positive Change” was published in Landscape Magazine by Mohammad Bajalan, assistant lecturer in the computer science department at Cihan University – Erbil.
In his article, which appeared in issue 12 of 2023, he went into detail about the difficulties that the Kurdistan Region’s university study process had in the past, particularly with regard to conducting high-level scientific research and the scientific relationships with universities around the world as well as the study environment. In a separate section of his speech, he talked about the initiatives and efforts of the Kurdistan Regional Government’s (MHESR-KRG) Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research to address the issues. To this end, he provided examples of numerous scientific endeavours in various domains.
A separate portion of the discussion was devoted to Cihan University-Erbil, a private university in the Kurdistan Region. He discussed the academic and scientific accomplishments of the university, which have placed it on par with the world’s most prestigious universities and won the trust of various institutions, including ZEVA and ASIC. Additionally, he explained how Cihan University-Erbil has modified its curricula to better meet the demands of the labour market and acquaint students with the working world. The introduction of active cadres has yielded remarkable results. It has also provided detailed instructions on how to overcome obstacles. Finally, it has emphasised that Cihan University-Erbil has developed into a mirror of the expansion of higher education in the Kurdistan Region.
Landscape,a quarterly magazine published by the Kapita Foundation, publishes the challenges and developments of the private sector in the Kurdistan Region and Iraq.It aims to strengthen the private sector through investment,research and ,acceleration of market development programs, which activate the private sector and published in hotels. Click this link (BL ISSUE xll – final.pdf ( to view the article.