117 years anniversary of Kurdish press
On 22 April 2015 Media department at Cihan University-Erbil celebrated the 117 years anniversary of Kurdish press.
The celebration was held at the University`s VIP Hall.
It was attended by the University`s president, a number of parliament members, some of head of the departments, lecturers and students of the University.
The anniversary started with a minute silence for the Martyrs of the press and Peshmarga followed by presenting a short documentary that produced by the department of media at Cihan University about the development of Kurdish press.
The arabic historian and writer Faeq Batti also had the chance to speak about his book entitled Encyclopedia of the kurdish press.
At the end of the celebration the 117 years candle has been extinguished the 118 years has been ignites.
It is worth mentioning that, the 22 April 1898 was the day that changed the history of Kurdish Journalism. On that day, the first Kurdish newspaper has been published in Cairo-Egypt by Miqdad Medhat Badrkhan entitled Kurdistan.