On Wednesday 17/5/2023, the Department of International Relations and Diplomacy of Cihan University Erbil visited the Foreign Relations Office of the Kurdistan Regional Government under the supervision of Assistant Lecturer Mahmoud Ismail Mohammed.
They were welcomed by Dr. Azad Abdulaziz Faqi, Head of Administration and then Dr. Saman Sadraddin Mohammed, Senior Advisor for Political and Diplomatic Affairs presented a seminar to the students in the meeting hall of the Ministry about the work of the office and its role in strengthening the position of the region at the international level, as well as a brief about the current and history of international relations.
Dr. Saman pointed out that the department consists of three departments: Law Department – International Relations Department – Protocol Department. Afterwards, he highlighted the work of the Kurdistan Regional Government and the Foreign Office to protect the identity of the Kurdistan Region and strengthen relations at the foreign level He explained that they as the Kurdistan Regional Government do not want to become part of international problems and do not want to support any side against others, for example, we want to continue our relations with Russia, China and the United States.
Dr. Saman talked about the current history of international relations, especially the period after World War II and the emergence of the United States and then the victory of the United States over the Soviet Union in the Cold War and the role of the United States in supporting the Kurds and the Kurdistan Regional Government and Kurdish-US relations since 1991 to the present.
After the speech, Lecturer Mahmoud thanked Dr. Saman for his seminar and asked Dr. Saman about the concept of sisterhood. Today, Kurdistan Regional Government cities have many sisterhoods at the international level and what is the importance of sisterhood for our cities? He suggested that the KRG Foreign Offices should play a role in creating job opportunities for international relations graduates and then the students suggested that the KRG offices should establish contacts with the international relations departments and take advantage of the students’ skills.
About the sister city, Dr. Saman pointed out that it plays an important role in connecting these cities with their universities, museums and offices in the cities of the region and play a role in the development of our cities in all fields of tourism, history, culture and science. Regarding the proposals, he expressed his pleasure that there are young people who are so concerned about their country and pointed out that some of these proposals have been worked on and will certainly be implemented in the coming years
Finally, he agreed to organize a workshop between the Department of International Relations and Diplomacy of Cihan University Erbil and the Department of Foreign Relations of the Kurdistan Regional Government next year.